Teaching Methodology


·         Teaching methodology

1.       The list of case studies which should be worked out through homework or assignments (research papers) is presented to students on the beginning of course. The supporting means in research are (in accordance with reviewer suggestions)

§         Internet,

§         On-line accessible lecturer,

§         Web site for subject (or interactive web-portal),

§         Web conferencing system (with at least 2  conferencing events per term),

§         Thematic forum “Numerical Methods” for all registered, past and future     students (with at least two prominent guest-professors per term.

          2. The general information about course and details regarding content, teaching, examining, and common questions will be available on the faculty site (www.gaf.ni.ac.yu) even during the writing of manuscript. The whole support depends on distance learning software chosen by university or faculty (WebCT, W3L, Clix, ILIAS,Platform 2003, BlackBoard, etc.)

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