



B I O G R A PH Y (Curriculum Vitae)

Prof. Dr. Djordje R. Djordjevic



- Born on July 3, 1946, Knjazevac, Serbia;

- Elementary school, 1961 (Summa Cum Laude);

- Secondary school, 1965 (Summa Cum Laude);

- B.Sc. in EE (Dipl. Ing.), Computer Science, Univ. Nis, 1971.

- Electronic Industry Nis - Research Center (1971-1975);

- Faculty of Philosophy, Dept. of Physics, University Nis,

- Lecturer in Computer Science, 1972.

- Civil Engineering Faculty, University of Nis, (1975- today);

- Goethe Institut zur Pflege Deutscher Sprache im Ausland, Mittelstufe, 1976, Passau, Germany;

- Coordinator in USA-Yugoslavia Project ”Influence of Water Reservoirs on the Environment”, University of Wisconsin - University of Ni¡s, Fulbright Program (1981-1984);

- Lecturer in Programming Languages, Secondary school ”Bora Stankovi´c”, Ni¡s, 1981-1982;

- M.Sc. in Computer Science, Faculty of EE, University Nis, 1983;

- English language course, Bu.alo, SUNY, Summer 1983;

- Specialization in Computer Graphics, George Washington University, (Fulbright fellowship), academic year 1983/84;

- Translation of the book ”Die Inteligente Maschine - Der Computer als Experte” (Urania-Verlag, Leipzig-Jena-Berlin, 1988), Nauka, Beograd, 1992.

- Host to DAAD guest professor, Civil Engineering Faculty Nis, (Computer Graphics, Di.erential Geometry), spring semester 1997.

- PhD, Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ni¡s, 1997.

- Current position: Professor in Computer Science on the Civil Engineering Faculty, University Nis, Serbia.

- Head of Department of Informatics, Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University Nis, Serbia.

- Member of Scientific Board for Mathematics and Informatics of University Nis, Serbia.

- Guest Professor, University Giessen, Institute of Mathematics, fall semester, academic year 1998/1999.

- Pact for Stability DYNET (DYnamical NETwork) Project Coordinator, Project entitled (in German) Aufbau der ¨uberregionalen Lehr- und Forschungnetzwerkes DYNET mit Einrichtung der Aufbaustudieng¨angen in Skopje, Mazedonien, und Nis, Serbien, 2000-2003.

- Guest Professor, University Bochum, Institute of Computational Engineering, summer semester, academic year 2000/2001 (Project DYNET).

- Guest Professor, Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Civil Engineering (Prof. Dietrich Hartmann), spring semester, academic year 2002/2003 (TEMPUS grant, IMG02-FRS2001).

- Guest Professor, Bauhaus University Weimar, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Lehrstuhl Siedlungswasserwirtschaft (Prof. J¨org Londong), summer semester 2003, (TEMPUS grant, IMG02-FRS2001).

- Guest Professor, University Bochum, Institute of Computational Engineering (Prof. Dietrich Hartmann), spring semester, academic year 2003/2004 (DAAD scholarship A/04/06557, TEMPUS grant, IMG-SCG1026-2004).

- Guest Professor, Technical University Dresden, Institut f¨ur Bauinformatik, (Prof. Raimar Scherer), September 2004 (TEMPUS grant, IMG-SCG1026-2004).

- Guest Professor, Technical University Graz, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institut fur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Landschaftwasserbau (Prof. Dr. Harald Kainz), November 2004 ( DAAD - WUS grant).

- Guest Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Master Study ”COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING”, Course in Numerical Methods, DAAD - Pact for Stability Project DYNET, Fall semester 2004/2005 academic year.

- Guest Professor, Technical University Graz, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institut fur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Lanschaftwasserbau (Prof. Dr. Peter Kauch),

May 2006 (ORK - WUS grant).

- Guest Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Master Study ”COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING”, Course in Numerical Methods, DAAD - Pact for Stability Project DYNET, Fall semester 2005/2006 academic year.

- TEMPUS CARDS SCM Project Coordinator, Project ”Construction of Pilot Devices for Advanced River Water Quality Monitoring Stations,” ARWQM, Bauhaus University Weimar, University of Nis, Technical University Graz, Public Enterprize ”Srbijavode,” DWA Deutsche Vereinig. f. Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser u. Abfall, Hennef, EWA European Water Association, Municipality Sokobanja, October 15, 2005 to October 15, 2006.

- CDP+ (Course Development Program) grantholder, WUS (World University Service), grant # 053/2006, Subject: Numerical Methods in Computational Engineering, academic year 2005/2006.

| - published more than 120 papers and seven textbooks (list of papers given in enclosure 2).

| - Languages: English (TOEFL 543), German (Mittelstufe I).

- Programming skills: Fortran, Pascal, C, Java, Object Oriented Programming.

- Memberships: DAAD Alumni Yu, Fulbright Fellows, Belgrade, State Alumni Mem-ber, Washington, D.C., IACES (Member of Honour), Association of Water Technology, Belgrade.

- Hobbies: Music, Film, Travelling.

- Sports: Swimming, basketball.

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