TEIK 2010 - Conference Photographies
TEIK 2010 Conference Programme
www.gradjevinarstvo.rs: TEIK 2010 Conference
www.yu-build.rs: TEIK 2010 Conference
TEIK 2010 Conference: second announcement
Announced Call for TEIK 2010 Conference
TEIK 2010 Conference will take place in Niš, at the
Tami Residence Hotel
How to rich the Tami Residence Hotel
All activates which are planned by the programme of Conference will be organized in Tami Residence Hotel in Nis.
Conference rate in this hotel per person per night, including breakfast, is in single room 49 EUR and in double room 31 EUR for TEIK 2010 participants.
If you intend to take part in Conference, please inform us on time, so we could make reservation for you by e-mail:
You can book room directly:
tel/fax +381-18-282-222, +381-18-505-800,