Computational Engineering
Master of Science Program
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade
Invitation for MS Scholarship Application
Computational Engineering
is a new international Master course established at the Faculty of Civil
Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. Master course
concerned with the simulation of advanced engineering problems using the
Finite Element modeling techniques and computer implementation.
The Master of Science
Program has a duration of two years and includes:
two teaching semesters,
two semesters for preparing the master thesis.
The Program has the total of
120 credits according to ECTS.
The Program is supported by DAAD project “Academic
reconstruction for South-Eastern Europe” in the frame of Stability Pact for
South-Eastern Europe. The best ten Applicants will obtain the scholarship.
A candidate should have:
a diploma degree in Civil Engineering, or an equivalent
academic degree in a related field (Mechanical Engineering, Architecture),
the average grade of undergraduate studies should be at least
a good language skills in English.
It is expected that candidate pursues his degree as a
“full-time job”. If the candidate is the teaching assistant at some faculty
in the region, it is expected that her/his institution supports the
candidate through the continuation of her/his salary and reduction of
working load.
The scholarship contains:
250 Euro per month
traveling costs 75 EURO per year
The scholarship will be granted for 2 years. During
that time the candidate should complete all courses and the master thesis.
The money for the scholarship is legally guaranteed
by DAAD always only for the currant year. It is expected that each candidate
should pass all compulsory courses by the end of the first school year. If
the candidate does not met this requirement, the Board could make the
decision to stop the scholarship for the next school year and to support a
more successfull candidate.
Documents to be submitted
Curriculum vitae
Certificate of the Diploma
List of exams and average
grade of undergraduate studies
Letter of recommendation by
at least one professor.
The applications should be sent by e-mail (pdf-format
preferred) and as paper copies not later than 07.11.2005.
The result will be announced within two
The Master Course will start on 21.11.2004.
Prof. Mira Petronijevic
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73
Serbia and Montenegro
e-mail: pmira@grf.bg.ac.yu
Phone: +381 (0)11 32-18-580
Fax: +381 (0)11