Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet - Niš


            Object: European Students’ Art Biennial ,Third Edition – Invitation to partecipate

BT Communication-Gruppo ITINERARTE realizes the third edition of the European Students’ Art Biennial; the initiative, devoted to Contemporary Art see as absolute protagonists the students of the last year studying at High Schools, Academies, Universities (Art and Architecture) in the geographic European Continent.
This letter precedes the Regulation and all the materials which describe the event in detail.
The European Students’ Art Biennial is a showcase for the art (especially Contemporary one) lovers, of what  is produced in the European art schools, real breeding ground of making art, trying at the same time, to setting off the hidden “talents.
Addressing to the art schools in the European continent, the event wants represents a didactic driving, stimulating teachers and students to work simultaneously on the same categories and on the same themes, with a common target: to create a web, real or virtual for cultural-artistic relationships and exchanges
The European Students’ Art Biennial is a competition, are admitted to participate the art schools of different European and extra-European countries, each school has to send three art works, selected among the ones produced by their students of the last year, according to the categories and to the theme of this initiative; for this edition are admitted works belonging to architecture and design categories (in all its declinations: architecture, industrial design, fashion and textile design, visual design ) connected with the theme: FAI: Fil Art Innovation.
The works sent within the 16th of November 2009 and further selected by the Biennial Artistic Committee  will exposed in an exhibition in Rome during the months of November and Dicember 2009. Afterwards the Biennial will travel in some Italian cityes.
Among the exposed works the Artistic Committee will choose the winners. The Prizes will deliver in Rome at the end of the exhibition, during a ceremony, with the presence of exponents of local institution, representatives of the cultural-artistic world and of European diplomacy.
At the same time of the exhibition series of seminaries/meetings will organized. They are dedicated to teachers and students of art, to develop themes connected to the event, to its objectives and to the messages carried out.
The third edition of the European Students’ Art Biennial received a silver medal from the President of Italian Republic.

We invite your school to participate and with courtesy we request to diffuse this communication as soon as possible to the teachers that could be interested, to allow the students know the general features of the competition.


We look forwards to hearing from you. Best regards.

                                                    BASE  3 fai 
  BT Communication-Gruppo ITINERARTE