Applied Hydroinformatics

CEEPUS network

Welcome To Applied Hydroinformatics

Nowadays, the existence of climate change, demographic trends and land cover change increases the occurrences of hydrological hazards such as droughts and floods. Because of its impact on society and economy, it is important to consider the novel approaches and methods for the prediction and prevention of hydrological extremes as well as the continuous need for improvement of early warning and forecasting systems. This is especially valid for the European countries, particularly in Danube region, and in Central and East European regions. Attention will be turned to the role of hydroinformatics for the large and complex scope of hydrology. Hydroinformatics is the discipline concerned with the integration and operation of information management tools for water in different domains of worlds such as physical, virtual, organizational and social and the interfaces between them. It focuses on modeling paradigms i.e. two broaded classes, physically-based and compartmentalized models.

We recognized the need for interdisciplinary approach in hydrology. Therefore, the main aim of the proposed CEEPUS project is the promotion and implementation of Joint programs in study area of hydrology, especially in the domain of applied hydroinformatics. This will be possible on the base of establishing a network with partners’ institutions in education and research in the field of hydrology, civil engineering, computer science, statistics and environmental science (mainly in soil and water systems). The Joint PhD program named “Applied Hydroinformatics” will connect experts from different fields of science who will exchange their scientific knowledge through the workshops and excursions within CEEPUS members.


CEEPUS is an acronym for "Central European Exchange Program for University Studies". The legal basis for CEEPUS is an international Agreement signed by the member states and open for accession. The main activity of CEEPUS are university networks operating joint programs ideally leading to Joint Degrees, esp. Joint Doctoral Programs. CEEPUS covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework.

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